how-this-client-question-can-boost-your-copywriting-earnings how-this-client-question-can-boost-your-copywriting-earnings

How This Client Question Can Boost Your Copywriting Earnings


One of the most exciting things about being a freelance copywriter is getting those first inquiries from potential clients. Maybe it’s a referral from someone you’ve worked with in the past. Or perhaps a business owner found you through your online presence and portfolio.

Either way, there’s a thrill in knowing that your copywriting skills are in demand. Steady work and income could soon flow in! However, one simple question can make a huge difference in your success with a new client – securing more referrals and boosting your earnings.

The Million Dollar Copywriting Question to Ask Clients

Asking “Why?” allows you to uncover the core purpose behind a potential client’s requested copywriting project. Their stated need is just the surface – there are deeper marketing goals, audience challenges, or business initiatives driving their desire for new copy.

For example, maybe the prospect saying “I need website copy” is actually hoping to:

  • Increase online sales of their product line 
  • Attract higher-quality leads for their service-based business 
  • Improve their website’s search engine rankings 
  • Articulate their unique selling proposition more clearly 
  • Revamp their outdated and inconsistent brand messaging

Without probing into those underlying objectives, you have no way to align your copywriting work with their definition of success. You’re simply writing words on a page, hoping they’ll resonate.

But by asking “Why?” you transform the dynamic. You’re now a strategic partner invested in their business needs and growth. You demonstrate your ability to deliver high-impact copy directly aimed at achieving quantifiable results they really care about.

Clients will recognise this probing curiosity as a mark of professionalism. You’re clearly an experienced copywriter skilled at focusing your craft on measurable goals rather than just throwing words together. The “Why?” signals your work will be intentional and purposeful – not generic filler content.

Moreover, that simple “Why?” question initiates a valuable discussion. It elicits important context that frames the rest of your copywriting process, including:

  • Their target audience’s pain points, objections, and desires 
  • What’s worked or fallen flat with their existing marketing materials 
  • Relevant data like website traffic, conversion rates, and sales figures 
  • Identities of their top competitors
  • Upcoming product/service launches or company milestones 
  • Any internal team dynamics or approval processes you’ll need to navigate

With this wealth of context gathered through your “Why?” line of questioning, you can then craft an insightful creative brief to fully align your copy with the client’s business objectives and success metrics from day one.

So while asking “Why?” requires just three little letters, it unlocks a comprehensive strategic understanding that delivers exponentially better results for your clients – and higher earnings for you as a sought-after copywriter.

Take Control of the Client Conversation

Simply asking “Why?” is just the start. To truly take control of the client conversation and gather all the context you need, you’ll want to treat that initial inquiry like a discovery call or consultation.

When that prospect first reaches out saying they need a new website copy or anything else, don’t just fire off a quick estimate and call it a day. Instead, schedule a 30-minute call or video chat to have an in-depth discussion.

Comprehensive copywriters know that any effective copy begins with a thorough discovery process to fully grasp the client’s goals, target audience, brand voice, and definitions of success. And no one is better equipped to lead that process than you – the writer who will transform that information into high-impact messaging.

During this discovery call, the “Why?” question is your launchpad to ask a series of clarifying and probing questions, such as:

  • Who is your primary target audience for this website copy?
  • What are the top 3 benefits or results they’re looking for from your product/service?
  • How will you measure the success of this new website copy?
  • Can you share any voice of customer data or market research you’ve done recently?
  • What does your current sales and marketing funnel look like?

This is your opportunity to be the expert and interviewer, calmly guiding the conversation methodically. You’re in the driver’s seat, steering toward a productive outcome.

By taking charge in this manner and showing the depth of your content strategy expertise, you instantly elevate your professionalism in the client’s eyes. This separates you from writers who simply wait for basic instructions to produce words.

You’ve made it clear that you’re a true partner focused on delivering strategic, revenue-driving copy customised for their business. The insight you glean positions you to make thoughtful recommendations aligned with their needs – even suggesting a different approach if their initial requested copywriting service may not be the most effective solution.

The “Why?” and subsequent discovery process isn’t just telling a client what they want to hear. It’s pledging to create powerful, intentional copy that directly facilitates their marketing objectives and chalks up big wins.

When the Client Needs a Different Service

As you engage clients with that powerful “Why?” question and dig into the details through your discovery process, you may quickly realise their initial requested copywriting service isn’t actually what they need most.

Sometimes, what a client thinks they want isn’t aligned with what will truly deliver results and achieve their underlying goals you’ve now uncovered. This is where your expertise as a strategic partner can provide immense value.

For example, let’s say a potential client contacts you saying:

“I need you to rewrite my website. We’re running lots of Facebook ads but they aren’t performing well, so we think updating the website copy will help.”

A copywriter only focused on landing that initial requested project might simply reply with a website copywriting estimate. But not you! With your “Why?” mindset, you recognise an opportunity to deliver greater impact.

By asking “When you say the Facebook ads aren’t performing well, what metrics are you looking at exactly?” you may determine the real issue is the ad copy itself. The click-through rates and costs-per-click are poor because the ads aren’t speaking compellingly to the audience.

In this case, the client thought a new website copy was needed, but you’ve actually identified that re-writing the Facebook ad campaigns should be the priority to improve performance upstream and drive more effective website traffic.

You can then pivot the conversation, explaining: “Based on those metrics, it sounds like refreshing the Facebook ads themselves may provide the biggest initial boost before optimising the website copy. I’d be happy to rework those campaigns to improve your click-through rates first if you’d like.”

This type of valuable redirection happens constantly once you embrace the “Why?” mentality. Maybe the client really needs:

  • Updated email nurture sequences to convert more leads into customers
  • Case study/success story creation to showcase credible social proof
  • A refresh of their lead magnet offer to capture higher-quality contacts

Whatever the underlying need is, you’ve earned the client’s trust by proving you want to focus your talents on delivering maximum impact – not just checking boxes. They’ll appreciate your strategic perspective and desire to spend their budget wisely on priorities.

This level of added value keeps your calendar full with new projects continually streaming in. You’ve elevated yourself as an in-demand, highly-paid marketing consultant rather than an order-taking commodity copywriter.

Demonstrating this tailored, business-first approach also leads to effusive referrals. Your clients will rave to others about how you enhanced their marketing in unforeseen ways that generated measurable business growth.

The Mindset Shift to Double Your Earnings

At its core, integrating the “Why?” question and discovery process into your copywriting business is about adopting a particular mindset shift. It’s about treating your freelance work as an elite professional service, not just a content creation job.

Most copywriters view themselves as skilled wordsmiths for hire. They write what’s requested to the best of their ability and deliver files, checking boxes to get paid.

But you understand there’s a much greater opportunity by positioning yourself as a strategic messaging consultant focused on achieving your client’s revenue goals. It’s a mindset of prioritising business impact over word counts.

This subtle shift in how you view and present your value completely changes the dynamic. You’re no longer a commodity supplier but a trusted advisor invested in your client’s long-term success.

With this mindset shift, you can justifiably charge premium rates that align with the calibre of partnership and results you provide. Because you’re not just delivering words – you’re delivering high-impact copy strategically crafted to move business needles.

Copywriters stuck in the old “writer for hire” mentality struggle to raise their rates beyond $50-75 per hour. They’re trading dollars for word counts like factory workers.

But consultants solving high-level business challenges for clients can regularly command $150-300 per hour (or project fees of $5,000-10,000+). The value and ROI you deliver dwarfs the scope of effort required.

The “Why?” question catalyses this transition by immediately opening the door to an elevated client relationship. You’re demonstrating a keen business mindset and focus on improving their marketing performance through intelligent messaging strategy.

To dive deeper into this mindset shift, you can also use tactics like:

  • Raising your rates with an easy email script to existing clients
  • Politely firing cheapskate clients anchoring you at low rates 
  • Packaging premium service offerings beyond a la carte writing
  • Conveying your value through an insightful marketing consultant mindset

The “Why?” question is the spark catalysing this transition. It’s a natural bridge to showcasing your evolved approach of prioritising client business needs, not just deliverables. From there, higher wages and income inevitably follow.

Crafting Effective “Why” Questions for Clients

Now that we’ve covered the immense value and mindset shift behind asking “Why?”, let’s dive into best practices for phrasing these powerful questions with clients across various common copywriting projects.

While the basic “Why?” inquiry is simple, you’ll often need to ask a series of follow-up questions to fully understand the nuances of the client’s goals, target audience, and measures of success. Tailoring these additional “Why” questions by project type ensures you glean comprehensive strategic insights.

For Website Copywriting Projects

When a client requests a website copy, effective “Why?” follow-up questions include:

  • Why did you decide your website needs a rewrite? What challenges is it facing currently?
  • Who are your most valuable customer avatars visiting the site? What’s their motivation when arriving?
  • What are the top 3-5 conversion goals of the website (purchases, lead gen, etc)? 
  • How will you define and measure the success of the new website copy? 
  • Which pages tend to have the highest and lowest engagement/conversion rates currently?

For Funnel Copywriting Projects

With funnel copy requested (lead magnets, nurture emails, sales pages etc), ask “Why?” questions like:

  • What’s the broader marketing funnel this copywriting piece will fit into?
  • Where will customers be entering this funnel from (ads, organic traffic, etc)?
  • What are the goals at each stage of the funnel (awareness, education, conversion)?
  • Why do customers tend to drop off or get stuck in parts of your existing funnel?
  • How will you measure the success of optimised funnel messaging quantitatively?

For Email Copywriting Projects

When hired for email campaigns (nurtures, onboarding sequences, newsletters, etc.), ask:

  • Why was this specific email campaign identified as a need for your business?
  • What are the objectives of the emails (nurture, upsell, retention, etc.)?
  • Who is the target subscriber audience and where did they opt-in from?
  • What are the main customer pain points or objections this campaign should overcome?
  • How will open rates, click-through rates, conversions etc be measured?

The key for all of these “Why” question examples is baking in quantitative components around target audiences, existing benchmarks, and measurable goals. This allows you to later craft goal-driven copy directly aligned with the client’s defined success metrics from the very start.

Of course, every business and copywriting project is unique. So be prepared to dig even deeper with additional “Why” inquiries as needed based on the specific details and context you uncover during the discovery process.

But by mastering the art of asking insightful “Why” questions upfront, you immediately elevate the dynamic to a thoughtful, strategic partnership aimed at maximum marketing ROI – paving the way for premium earnings.

Handling Pushback When Asking “Why”

While most clients will appreciate your thoroughness and strategic mindset when asking “Why?”, a few may initially resist or feel you’re prying too deeply into their business. They’re accustomed to simply placing orders for X words of copy.

If you encounter any pushback or skepticism when firing off those “Why” questions during the discovery process, it’s an opportunity to further demonstrate your value and win them over. Here are some ways to address those objections:

Explain the Importance of Clear Objectives 

“I totally understand wanting to just get started quickly on the copywriting. However, it’s crucial we first align on the precise objectives and measurable success factors so I can purposefully craft messaging that delivers those targeted results for you. An aimless creative brief produces aimless, ineffective copy.”

Position as a Strategic Partner 

“This comprehensive discovery process upfront allows me to be a true strategic partner invested in your long-term growth, not just a one-off transaction. My role is to ensure your investment in new copy directly facilitates your revenue goals by understanding the bigger picture first.”

Share Case Studies of Added Value 

“I’ve worked with many clients who initially thought they needed X, but after exploring ‘Why’ together, we identified Y as the more impactful priority to tackle first. For example, with ClientName… [share brief case study success story].”

Emphasise the Win-Win Dynamic

“Asking these deeper questions is a win-win for both of us. You gain sharper, higher-converting copy aligned with your needs. And I’m able to direct my expertise to deliver maximum ROI, leading to more future projects together.”

The key is blending empathy for their desire to move quickly with your reasoned consultative approach. Make them understand you have a vested interest in accelerating their success through intentional, strategic messaging.

If the prospect still resists after your efforts to explain the value, it’s probably best to politely terminate the conversation. Proceeding without sufficient context increases your chances of missing the mark – damaging both their outcomes and your reputation long-term.

Fortunately, most clients will be receptive once they grasp your “Why” line of questioning stems from your elite marketing consultant mindset. They’ll respect your dedication to methodically understanding their business upfront before executing. It signifies you aim to truly move needles for them, not just check boxes.

Final Thoughts

The power of “why” in copywriting cannot be overstated. It is the key that unlocks a deeper understanding of client objectives, leading to more targeted and effective copy. By shifting the conversation from a transactional exchange to a more strategic partnership, you position yourself not just as a copywriter, but as a consultant who adds tangible value to your clients’ businesses.

Remember that your role as a copywriter is to solve problems and drive results. By mastering the art of “why,” you’ll double your value and, quite possibly, your earnings. Take this knowledge, apply it to your next project, and witness the transformation in your copywriting career. And when you do, share your experience. Let the success stories flow in the comments and inspire others to ask the one question that could change everything: “Why?”

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